Amy Rebecca McGowan

A visit with Amy


Amy McGowen High School graduation. Photo a gift from Amy

Amy McGowan - High School Graduation picture 1995


Amy Supplied this Bio


Hobbies and interests:
collects Precious Moments Figurines, Swimming, Shopping, hanging with family and friends, working with children.

Job: baby sitting, Helping a teenager work on swimming skills to compete in the special olympics, tutoring pre-Algebra and Algebra!

School: Attending a State University, currently a senior. Working to graduate the Spring Semester (May) 2000. Ambition in life is to become a High School Math teacher.

Dream car: Bright red Mustang Convertible

- Reality Check -
Current car: Silver Mercury Topaz

This was sent to me on 28 Aug 1998


Amy McGowan Prom photo 1995  Amy McGowan HS Graduation enviromental photo 1995
Amy at her senior prom and her 'enviromental' graduation photo 1995






Last Updated on 27 June 2002
By J. Wayne Rhine